About The Artist

David W. Peterson, AKA Dazzlin’ Dave, was born in Huntsville, AL and has been showing his work since 1996. He has shown in several galleries and juried shows, where his work has received awards of recognition. Dave is an autodidactic artist and draws on his life experiences and thirst for knowledge to forge the objects of his imagination. He began this journey working in clay, creating curious little hand formed sculptures. He then ventured back into welded metal sculpture, picking up where he left off a decade earlier in high school ("goofing off" in welding class). His metalwork reflects his humorous side, making whimsical creations from parts and pieces, of bicycles, automobiles, machinery tools and many other types of scrap metal. He employs skills he has learned in welding, automotive, machine shop, and other trades to assemble these curious creations with their industrial feel. Later Dave began painting in oils to explore other options of creativity. His paintings can be seen as a form of nonverbal speech, translating his thoughts and emotion into image. When he paints it can be seen as a dance, very gestured, and the finished piece can be likened to the footprints when the music stops. Usually not a man of many words, Dave easily expresses himself on paper. His poetry reflects the joys and pains of his life. Photography and Digital Imagery has drawn his attention as well as Music. Who knows what he will come up with next?

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